Angel’s Story
Life Saving Healthcare
Trauma Healing Classes
Skill To Make A Living
Hope For A Future
Desperate For Education
True to her name, 14yo Angel is a very sweet and gentle girl. Angel’s family lives deep in the interior of Liberia, in her village there is no school. Her mother sent her into Monrovia to live with a lady who would provide schooling for her in exchange for Angel working in the home.
Continued Heartache
However, the lady’s children didn’t want Angel there and so the woman made her leave and sent her back to her mother in the village.
Angel has completed 3rd grade, and she knows that without education she will have little chance of escaping a life of poverty.
So Angel convinced her Ma to let her come back to Monrovia and try to find someone else who would take her in and help her continue her schooling. She walked around until she heard of a woman who would take her in.
However the woman’s husband didn’t want Angel there and she didn’t last a week. The woman mistreated her and sent her away. Angel kept looking for someone who would take her in.
At one place there was a dog and the dog followed her. The community accused her of stealing the dog and took her to the police station. That was a good thing because she met James, who was able to interview her for Home of Hope.
Angel will likely not stay with us too long. Since she has family she will potentially return to her mother.
However, since we understand her desire for education we are looking at the possibility of finding somewhere for her to board during the school term so she can continue to go to school. She would then return to her family in the school holidays.
We are so glad we can be here for Angel when she was in an extremely vulnerable situation! If not for Home of Hope things could have turned out very badly for her!
Angel remained with us for 6 months. She received tragic news that her mother became pregnant and then died after giving birth to twins. Angel has decided to return to live with her father in the village and take care of her twin brother and sister.